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About Us

   We are a church that is all about missions and serving our Lord, Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that He came to earth as a baby. He is fully God and fully man.  He lived a perfect sinless life, and He was nailed on a cross for the sins of the world. We believe that Jesus did not stay dead, but rose from the grave 3 days later. We believe the ONLY way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. For more about what we believe, click the tab about that says "Affiliation". 

Our church has been around since 1803, and is one of the oldest churches in the state. We are the mother church of First Baptist Church of Church Hill, Oak Grove Baptist Church, and the grandmother of Ridgeview Baptist Church. If you are interested in a church history book give us a call!

We have Sunday school at 10:00am Sunday mornings with classes for every age, and our Worship service to follow at 10:55am. When you arrive you can use the front entrance  where you will be met by our Greeters who can help you find anything you need! 

We also have a Wednesday night discipleship and small groups at 6:00pm. We have Mission Friends, (a class for children from infant to first grade) Live Wires ( a class for 2nd- 5th grade), Restored Youth (a class for 6th-12th grade), and several groups for adults to pick from. If you need a ride to church our van will be happy to come pick you up!

 We have so many events going on all of the time, we recommend you follow us on Facebook so you can keep up to date.

If you are looking for a church full of perfect people….. Keep looking! However, if you are looking for a church full of broken, imperfect, and awesome people who need Jesus….. We are the place for you! We would love to have you join us, and see what the Lord is doing at the Bend!

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